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Messy Play
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- Cosy Direct
- Cosy @ Home
- Early Years
- Arts & Crafts
- Babies & Toddlers
- Bikes Trikes & Transportation
- Clothing & Protection
- Construction
- Cosy Favourites
- Dens & Playhouses
- Early Literacy
- Early Maths
- Early Science
- Emotions and Wellbeing
- Enabling Environments
- Explore & Investigate
- Fences and Stages
- Fencing & Dividers
- Fine Motor & Malleable
- Gardening
- Loose Parts
- Mud Kitchens
- Music
- Physical Development
- PSED & Diversity
- Rainbow Community
- Role Play
- Rustic Products
- Sand & Water
- Seating
- Sensory
- Sheds & Outdoor Storage
- Small World
- Storage & Furniture
- Tray Play
- Upcycled & Eco
- Woodwork
- Furniture
- Indoor & Outdoor Area
- Literacy
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- Natural Play
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- Davies Sports
- Dryad Education
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- Adhesives & Cutting
- Art Materials
- Art Library
- Artists Aids
- Artists Easels
- Brushes & Applicators
- Paints & Colour
- Palette Knives Pots & Palettes
- Paper Canvas & Painting Boards
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- Protective Clothing & Cleaning
- Storage & Display
- Crafts
- Beads
- Candle Making & Encaustic Art
- Canework & Seating
- Craft Accessories & Collage
- Embossing
- Enamelling
- Fantasy Dip Film
- Gilding
- Glass & Plastic Blanks
- Glass Fusing & Slumping
- Glass Paints & Pens
- Jewellery Findings & Cord
- Jewellery Tools
- Mosaics
- Paper & Card Blanks
- Paper Crafts
- Pyrography & Wooden Blanks
- Ribbons Braids & Trims
- Toy Making
- Graphic Art
- Paper & Board
- Primary
- Printing
- Student Packs
- Textiles
- D & T
- Art
- Early Years Resources
- Art and Craft
- Activities
- Aprons and Splash Mats
- Art Storage
- Buttons & Beads
- Collage Packs
- Display
- Dryers
- Easels
- Feathers
- Glitter & Sequins
- Glue & Adhesives
- Googly Eyes
- Modelling & Accessories
- Paint
- Painting Accessories
- Paper and Card
- Pencils Crayons & Pens
- Pipecleaners
- Pompoms
- Printing
- Scissors
- Templates and Stencils
- Textiles
- Wooden Collage
- Yarn, Ribbon & Trimmings
- Babies and Toddlers
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- Clothing
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- Design Technology
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- Dolls Prams and Accessories
- Dressing Up Role Play
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- Miniature World Dolls Houses
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- Play Houses Structures and Settings
- Play panels
- Play Tents and Pop Ups
- Puppets
- Scene stters
- Shopping and Food
- Small World
- Small World Animals
- Small World Environments
- Small World People
- Small world vehicles
- Jigsaws
- Literacy
- Loose Parts
- Music
- Numeracy
- Office and Stationery
- Office Furniture
- Outdoors
- PE & Sport
- Physical Development
- Re and Festivals
- Sand and Water
- Science
- Sensory & Messy Play
- Special Needs
- Tuff Tray
- Understanding the World
- Winter Festivals
- Art and Craft
- Hope
- Art & Design
- Curricular
- Computing & ICT
- Design & Technology
- English
- Geography
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- Add,Subtract,Multiply,Divide
- Bead Bars
- Calculators
- Dice
- Early Maths
- Early Numeracy
- Fractions
- Fractions Decimals & Percentages
- Geometry & Shapes
- Maths Mastery
- Maths Teaching Resources
- Measurement
- Multilink
- Number & Place Value
- Number Fans
- Number Lines
- Number Squares
- Numicon
- Shape
- Statistics
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- Unifix
- Music
- Primary Science
- PSHE & Citizenship
- RE
- Early Years
- Exercise Books
- Facilities
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- IT & Hardware
- Stationery & Office
- LSS Laser Cutters
- TC Group
- Bar/Bistro Furniture
- Bookcases
- Cables & Extension Leads
- Canteen/Kitchen Furniture
- Coat Stands
- Computer Workstations
- Conference Seating
- Cupboards/Lockers
- Desks
- Educational Furniture
- Filing Cabinets
- Footrests & Stools
- Furniture / Seating Accessories
- Management Seating
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Age Range
14+ Years(0) 3-11 Years(0) 3-4 Years(0) 4-6 Years(0) 6-8 Years(0) 8-11 Years(0) Preschool(0)
Ailsa / Blue(0) Ailsa / Charcoal(0) Ailsa / Light Grey(0) Aluminium(0) Aqua Blue(0) Ash Grey(0) Assorted(0) Beech(0) Beech / Blue(0) Beech / Charcoal(0) Beech / Light Grey(0) Beige(0) Black(0) Black/Gold(0) Black/Pink(0) Black/Red(0) Black/White(0) Blue(0) Blue & Maple(0) Blue / Charcoal(0) Blue / Light Grey(0) Blush(0) Brilliant Blue(0) Brilliant Green(0) Brilliant Red(0) Brilliant Yellow(0) Brown(0) Burgundy(0) Burnt Sienna(0) Champagne(0) Charcoal(0) Clear(0) Coral(0) Cream(0) Crimson(0) Cyan(0) Dark Blue(0) Dark Green(0) Duck Egg(0) Emerald Green(0) Flame(0) Gold(0) Grape Crush(0) Green(0) Green & Maple(0) Green/White(0) Grey(0) Grey / Blue(0) Grey / Charcoal(0) Grey / Light Grey(0) Grey Oak(0) Grey/White(0) Hazy Jade(0) Honey(0) Ivory(0) Juniper(0) Lavender(0) Leaf Green(0) Lemon(0) Light Blue(0) Light Green(0) Light Grey(0) Lilac(0) Lime(0) Maple(0) Maroon(0) Misty Brown(0) Monochrome(0) Moss Green(0) Multi(0) Natural(0) Navy(0) Navy Blue(0) Navy/Sky(0) Navy/White(0) Nordic Blue(0) Oak(0) Ocean Blue(0) Ochre(0) Orange(0) Orange/Green(0) Pink(0) Pink/Sky(0) Powder Blue(0) Primary Colours(0) Purple(0) Purple Haze(0) Purple/White(0) Raspberry(0) Red(0) Red / Charcoal(0) Red / Light Grey(0) Rose Blossom(0) Royal(0) Royal Blue(0) Royal/White(0) Sage(0) Sand(0) Seamist(0) Silver(0) Sky(0) Sky Blue(0) Slate(0) Soft Blue(0) Stone(0) Stripe(0) Teal(0) Terracotta(0) Turquoise(0) Violet(0) White(0) White/Navy(0) Yellow(0) Yellow/Royal(0)
10(0) 10-12 years(0) 100 Microlitres(0) 100 x 10ml(0) 1000 x 50ml(0) 1000ml(0) 100ml(0) 100mm(0) 10kg(0) 10m(0) 10ml(0) 11-13 years(0) 11-14 years(0) 110mm(0) 11m(0) 11mm(0) 12-14 years(0) 125ml(0) 125mm(0) 12m(0) 130mm(0) 13m(0) 14+ years(0) 14-23(0) 150ml(0) 150mm(0) 15kg(0) 15ml(0) 18-24 Months(0) 18-24mnths(0) 19 Inch(0) 19-26(0) 1L(0) 2(0) 2-3 Years(0) 2-3 yrs(0) 200mm(0) 20kg(0) 21 Inch(0) 21mm(0) 23 Inch(0) 24-29(0) 25 Inch(0) 25 Microlitres(0) 250 x 25ml(0) 250ml(0) 25ml(0) 27 Inch(0) 28 Inch(0) 29mm(0) 2ml(0) 3(0) 3-4 Years(0) 3-4 Yrs(0) 3-4yrs(0) 30 Inch(0) 300mm(0) 30ml(0) 32 Inch(0) 34 Inch(0) 36 Inch(0) 4(0) 4-5 Years(0) 4-5yrs(0) 4-6 years(0) 400ml(0) 45mm(0) 5(0) 5 Microlitres(0) 5-6 years(0) 5-6 Yrs(0) 5-6yrs(0) 50 Microlitres(0) 500 x 50ml(0) 500ml(0) 50ml(0) 55mm(0) 5kg(0) 6(0) 6-7 years(0) 6-8 years(0) 600ml(0) 60ml(0) 6mm(0) 7(0) 7-12(0) 7-8Yrs(0) 70 x 40mm(0) 75mm(0) 8(0) 8-10 years(0) 8-11 years(0) 800ml(0) 80mm(0) 9(0) 95 x 55mm(0) A0(0) A1(0) A2(0) A3(0) A4(0) A5(0) Adult(0) Deep(0) Extra Deep(0) Extra Large(0) Infants(0) Jacket 5-6(0) Jacket 7-8(0) Jacket 9-10(0) Jumbo(0) Kids(0) L(0) L1200 x H300mm(0) L1200 x W600 x H450mm(0) L1200 x W900 x H300mm(0) L600 x H300mm(0) L600 x H450mm(0) L900 x H300mm(0) L900 x W600 x H450mm(0) Large(0) M(0) Medium(0) Poster Size(0) S(0) Shallow(0) Trousers 5-6(0) Trousers 7-8(0) XS(0) Youths(0)
Ball Size
3(0) 4(0) 5(0)
Board Colour
Blue(0) Green(0) Grey(0) Red(0) White(0)
Chair Colour
Black(0) Blue(0) Charcoal(0) Flame(0) Green(0) Grey(0) Jade(0) Lavender(0) Lime(0) Orange(0) Purple(0) Red(0) Sand(0) Sapphire(0) Seamist(0) Sky(0) Sky Blue(0) Soft Blue(0) Tangy Lime(0) Yellow(0)
Stool Height
300mm(0) 350mm(0) 400mm(0) 430mm(0) 450mm(0) 525mm(0) 560mm(0) 610mm(0) 660mm(0) 685mm(0) 760mm(0)
Chair Height
140mm(0) 200mm(0) 210mm(0) 260mm(0) 280mm(0) 310mm(0) 320mm(0) 350mm(0) 380mm(0)
Table Height
300(0) 320(0) 320mm(0) 400(0) 400mm(0) 410mm(0) 415mm(0) 455mm(0) 460(0) 460mm(0) 465(0) 510mm(0) 520mm(0) 530(0) 530mm(0) 590mm(0) 645(0) 650(0) 710(0) 760(0) 850(0) 900(0)